Tuesday, October 1, 2013

5 Months -

My sweet, tiny, precious treasure is 5 months old. 5 months. 5 MONTHS! Can someone please stop time?! ANYONE? It makes me sad just how fast it goes. She is a sweet, smiley, enjoyable girl and I feel blessed every moment of every day that I have her. Here are some new things we are experiencing with our sweet Millicent -

Solids- My baby girl LOVES to grab, and hold anything and then put it all into her mouth. Dinner for the family is NOT a fun time for her as she would like to join in on the feast. SO about 3 weeks ago we started solids, and for the most part she loves them. I have made her carrots, and zucchini, and a banana/peach/spinach mix she isnt so sure about yet, but the rest of it she loves. She LOVES to gnaw on a piece of toast or a pretzel....

Sleep- hit or miss, I usually feed baby girl once through the night. she does anywhere from 4-6 hour stretches. And naps for her are very sporadic. :( Henry was VERY consistent and did well with a schedule...she is taking her time getting all that figured out.

Mamma's girl - I didnt know she was such a mommy's girl until I started school again. It worries and stressed me out as well as makes it hard for poor daddy who does a great job at distracting her and hopefully soon she adjusts well so I can feel less guilty about being gone at night.

SMILES - Milly is FAR more smiley then Henry was. He was adorable and such an incredibly sweet boy, but he LOVED to scowl at people. Not my Milly- she enjoys smiling at everyone!

I am in love

Ps- I have many many many more pictures, but am having an issue with my camera and it's flash... more to come!

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