Thursday, August 1, 2013

Millicent Ella - 3 Months old

Millicent Ella - 3 Months Old!

My dear sweet baby girl - Today marks 3 months since your arrival in our little family, lighting up our lives so much! You are such a sweet baby. You are a calm, smiley, adorable sweet girl. You have so many people that love you in this world -
 You eat like a champ! You sleep very well at night, although not through the night you sleep in about 6 hour chunks. I think when you start eating solids you will sleep even better because at night you hardly eat anything at all.

You LOVE your brother and he makes you smile constantly. Not only will you smile for him so often, I find you just watching him, studying him it seems. You see fascinated by this handsome little boy that enjoys talking and playing with you
Daddy is convinced you can say "daddy" and while you cant actually SAY daddy, you make very similar sounds for the same amount of time he does when he says "Daddy...." It's very sweet. You love to sit on Daddy's lap and just watch him. I wonder often what thoughts you are having in your tiny, infant, head. 

 We have been unable to get you on a very good routine schedule - some days are better than others, but that never seems to affect your mood. You rarely fight a nap, and are very ready when it's time.
And... we've started tummy time. You are such a patient girl. I can see you dont LOVE to be on your tummy, but you work hard to old yourself up and look around a bit - Its very sweet to see you try so hard. You remind me of your daddy and both of your grandpas. You come from a line of very hardworking men, and in your tiny 3 months I believe you will come have an incredible work ethic like that of the men in your life. You are a very curious girl, and being outside calms you almost every time. We enjoy sitting on the porch while Henry rides his bike, or laying on a blanket on the grass - 

I am thankful for you everyday sweet girl. I dont know how or why I have been so blessed to have such a wonderful, sweet, baby girl. It took very little time to adjust to your arrival and I have loved every minute. I adore you sweet girl and am so excited to continue to watch you grow, develop, and discover the world around you.

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