Wednesday, October 30, 2013

6 Months

What a beautiful child, wouldn't you say? I dont mean, 'I have a cuter baby then you' kind of beautiful, but just simply beautiful. A beautiful being, and daughter of an incredible Heavenly Father that has blessed me with her. Her happy, healthy demeanor is something I am grateful for every day. This sweet child makes me smile, and laugh every day, nearly every hour.
This sweet girl has had an eventful month. She has cut her first tooth, she's become a really really great sitter. she could be a better sleeper, but Im glad to report shes a great eater. She falls into the 50% for height and weight, with a slightly larger head. I am one lucky Mama -

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

In between all the craziness!


This face of Millicent's makes me laugh... she is smiling. I promise-

Poor girl needs some girly toys- Maybe she won't even want em' 

Sweet Milly was wearing Henry's old jams, and using his blanket to keep warm - she's a spitting image of Henry at that age.

Trying out the high chair 

I LOVE this bundle of joy - More to come on her 6 month post -  thats right, 6 MONTHS! How time flies

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

5 Months -

My sweet, tiny, precious treasure is 5 months old. 5 months. 5 MONTHS! Can someone please stop time?! ANYONE? It makes me sad just how fast it goes. She is a sweet, smiley, enjoyable girl and I feel blessed every moment of every day that I have her. Here are some new things we are experiencing with our sweet Millicent -

Solids- My baby girl LOVES to grab, and hold anything and then put it all into her mouth. Dinner for the family is NOT a fun time for her as she would like to join in on the feast. SO about 3 weeks ago we started solids, and for the most part she loves them. I have made her carrots, and zucchini, and a banana/peach/spinach mix she isnt so sure about yet, but the rest of it she loves. She LOVES to gnaw on a piece of toast or a pretzel....

Sleep- hit or miss, I usually feed baby girl once through the night. she does anywhere from 4-6 hour stretches. And naps for her are very sporadic. :( Henry was VERY consistent and did well with a schedule...she is taking her time getting all that figured out.

Mamma's girl - I didnt know she was such a mommy's girl until I started school again. It worries and stressed me out as well as makes it hard for poor daddy who does a great job at distracting her and hopefully soon she adjusts well so I can feel less guilty about being gone at night.

SMILES - Milly is FAR more smiley then Henry was. He was adorable and such an incredibly sweet boy, but he LOVED to scowl at people. Not my Milly- she enjoys smiling at everyone!

I am in love

Ps- I have many many many more pictures, but am having an issue with my camera and it's flash... more to come!